About Us
Our Services:
We are expert in the completion and submission to the Spanish tax authorities of Spanish tax form 210 (“modelo 210”) for UK residents and residents of other countries.
 Let us save you time and money!
We Offer This Service To:
- owners of Spanish property who are required to make a return of assumed ("imputed") or actual rental income;
- shareholders, or their legal representatives, profiting from the sale or disposal of Spanish shares;
- on a business-to-business basis, companies who wish to offer such services directly to their own customers.
About Spanish Tax Forms Ltd:
- We've been in this business for more than 15 years and our Company was formed in 2008.
- We are Spanish Tax Forms Ltd a registered UK Company (Company No. 6523058). Our VAT number is 229313223. Our Information Commissioner's Office number is 00015092176. Our head office is George Court, Bartholomew's Walk, Ely, Cambs CB7 4JW.
- We work closely with our appointed tax representatives in Spain, Gestoria Mingot SAP, a Spanish company offering a range of legal and tax services, primarily to Spanish nationals. The Company has close links and a regular dialogue with the Spanish tax authorities regarding Form 210 submission.
- The Directors of Spanish Tax Forms Ltd and Gestoria Mingot SAP designed the integrated service for 210 completion in the UK and submission in Spain which has now been used by more than 250,000 customers.
- As Spanish tax representatives for UK residents we are recommended by Banco Santander (see Santander UK website), IAG (ex-British Airways), TSB and many others.